Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Wading into the Macaca

I don't care if Sen. George Allen is a racist. And I don't care what he meant by using the word macaca to describe S.R. Sidarth at a political rally. It's what he said after singling out Sidarth that has me steamed.

Let's give a welcome to macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia. (emphasis added)

In less than thirty seconds, Allen introduced a very divisive and ugly sentiment into his senate race against Democrat James Webb. He turned the race into an us -- read white Americans -- vs. them -- read colored people -- affair.

It apparently nevered occurred to Allen that Sidarth might be an American. Or that a brown-skinned person could love America as much as a caucasian.

And if you're reading this and still asking what the big deal is, I offer one more thought. Allen is a bully. He took on a young intern to score some cheap political points in a speech. And we should expect and demand better than that from our elected officials.

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