Friday, December 16, 2005


Down goes TypePad

Storage and networking problems have managed to do what the Republicans (GOP), Democrats (dems) and Mainstream Media (MSM) have been trying for the last few years -- silence the blogosphere. OK, not the entire blogoshpere, because you're obviously reading this post. But many of our fellow bloggers are unable to post today because TypePad has crashed. The popular blogging service announced today that during routine maintenance of their network and storage systems, they experienced "an issue" with the primary disk that stores published blogs. They're currently troubleshooting and blogs have reverted to back to their Dec. 11 state. Not good news considering the problems they had in October that forced them to offer 45 days of free service as compensation. Among the blogs that have gone dark are Scott Adams Dilbert blog,'s blogs and fellow DGF blog Two Crabs.

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