Monday, November 01, 2004
Green and White and Depressed
I believed. I really believed. When the Spartans took a 27-10 over Michigan with nine minutes left in the game, I started thinking about who I was going to call when the clock hit :00 (for the record, dad, bro and wife -- in that order). I had spent the last few hours at the bar, surrounded by my fellow Spartans, screaming myself hoarse. At a certain point, one of my friends became my designated screamer. He'd start Let's Go State chants when my voice was unable. And we believed. Even with backup QB Damon Dowdell in the game, we believed. Then IT happened. The collapse. And at the end of triple OT, the game was lost 45-37. I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. I was so depressed that I didn't bother setting my fantasy football lineups for the next day (no doubt, I'll pay for that with two losses). But now depression has turned to anger, and I offer this open memo to Michigan State coach John L. Smith:
Coach Smith,
Congratulations on an excellent gameplan. You found a way to score buckets of points against and excellent defense. You were able to contain Michigan's offense for 3 1/2 quarters. And we almost walked out of Ann Arbor with shocking victory. But serious mistakes were made. And in case you haven't figured it out, I offer the following critique:
1. You spent the first three quarters running the option right, with tremendous success. Why did you start running left -- with less success -- late in the game? If you have a good gameplan, stick with it!
2. If a receiver is eating you alive (read Edwards), double-cover him.
3. If you're going to single cover a receiver who is destroying you (read Edwards), then blitz!
4. If running the ball is your strength, don't stop doing it. Even in the third overtime.
5. Please win next year. I can't take another game like this.
Coach Smith,
Congratulations on an excellent gameplan. You found a way to score buckets of points against and excellent defense. You were able to contain Michigan's offense for 3 1/2 quarters. And we almost walked out of Ann Arbor with shocking victory. But serious mistakes were made. And in case you haven't figured it out, I offer the following critique:
1. You spent the first three quarters running the option right, with tremendous success. Why did you start running left -- with less success -- late in the game? If you have a good gameplan, stick with it!
2. If a receiver is eating you alive (read Edwards), double-cover him.
3. If you're going to single cover a receiver who is destroying you (read Edwards), then blitz!
4. If running the ball is your strength, don't stop doing it. Even in the third overtime.
5. Please win next year. I can't take another game like this.