Tuesday, November 16, 2004


The flight home

Diwali landed on November 11 this year, so I traveled up to Montreal to celebrate with my wife. As you can see in my previous posts (see below), I had run-ins with both the U.S. Border Patrol and Canadian customs. The trip back was just as adventurous. Our celebration ran a bit long and I ended up leaving Montreal at 9:40 a.m. to catch and 11:50 a.m. flight out of Burlington, Vermont. The drive, if there's absolutely no traffic or line at the border, takes just over 2 hours. So I floored it. And I arrived at the airport at 11:35 a.m. Dropped the keys to the rental car off at the counter and raced to security. Luckily, there was no line, and I told the TSA folks I was late for my flight. So they actually repacked my laptop and coat for me in my bag while I put my shoes back on after clearing security so I could hustle to the gate. Very kind of them. And the Indpendence Air crew recognized me as a frequent flyer (and frequently late flyer) on this route and held the flight for me. Incredibly nice and unexpected. And it restored some of my faith in humanity after an initially difficult trip.

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