Tuesday, November 16, 2004


At the border...

And no, I don't mean Taco Bell (But make sure to try the caramel apple empanadas. Damn, they're good.)

After the U.S. Border Patrol in Vermont realized I wasn't stealing a Ford Focus (see previous post), I continued on the U.S.-Canadian border where a Canadian customs and immigration officer wandered down this weird interrogation path:

Canadian customs: Where are you going

Me: Montreal

Canadian customs: Business or pleasure

Me: Pleasure

Canadian customs: Do you go there often?

Me: Yes.

Canadian customs: How is that possible? I've never seen you before.

It only gets worse, with the customs officer noting that I've been to Toronto -- pronounced as a dirty word -- several times. Where do they recruit these people?

Eventually, they let me in. And I spent the rest of my drive to Montreal wondering if I should move to Mexico. Next up, the trip home. But first, I'm grabbing a few hours of sleep.

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